Shake, Rattle, and WTF

Random stuff…just cuz it’s Friday:

We had an earthquake in the midwest this morning. Although it was centered in southern Illinois it still woke me – and that’s saying something because I’m pretty dead to the world at 5:30am. I think it was actually the bedroom door that woke me and not the earth rumble itself. Our door was moving ever so slightly back and forth making a little creak and that did it. I recall it lasted about a full 10-15 seconds. Long enough for me to consider all the possibilities of what it might be. My first thought was earthquake (I recognized the feel from a very similar one years ago), but then you remember you’re in Ohio and start eliminating more likely scenarios. Some gigantic loud truck outside – nope, it’s not loud, some major wind storm – nope, again too quiet and it’s a constant shake, and so on. Until eventually you think, damn it is an earthquake.

With all due respect to Al and everyone else in Cali, they really need a different word for earthquakes here. Here, the news revels in it and people look at it with unintimidated awe as a rare, harmless feat of nature – like a solar eclipse or a double rainbow. Our earthquakes are your dust devels to our tornadoes.

And now for a reminder of how weird people are, Slick forwarded me this link. Me thinks this makes for a great caption contest…GO COMMENT!

5 Responses to “Shake, Rattle, and WTF”

  1. Flaming_Pele! says:

    Paul bet Sarah that she couldn’t put a sweater on while typing. She lost.

  2. Flaming_Pele! says:

    Tech Support: “So what exactly were you doing when the laptop overheated?”
    User: “Um, nothing”

  3. Professor X says:

    Porn Screen, by Whammo!

    This is my 3rd earthquake here in Ohio.

  4. Psolaris says:

    Uh huh, the earthquake woke ya. Are you sure you and Doona weren’t…Oh nevermind 🙂

    And I would attempt a comment, but my brain isn’t of the comic variety and therefore it fails when it tries to come up with something witty. Remind me to fire it someday.

  5. al says:

    Working in Santa’s North Pole workshop had its ups and downs, and all was mostly good until the R & D department asked all the elves to test out their new line of stocking-stuffers.

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