I’m Thankful…

To be off the road. D and I spent the last four days making our tri-state holiday tour. 794 miles all told. Mostly in the rain. But it was good seeing everyone.

Out last leg of the trip involved taking D’s nephew back to IU in Bloomington. To help the hours pass I took our Guitar Hero addiction to the next level. I spent Saturday in South Bend pimping my ride. Not only is the width of the ‘tek handy for hauling 4×8 sheets of lumber, but it’s also handy for dueling axe battles in the back seat.

Lastly, a blast from turkey day past:
EDIT: Dang, youtube stinks…vid gone


Filed under General News

Nightmare 8 is in the Books

Just in time for Thanksgiving, you can go re-live the Halloween party. The Halloween website even has a new, dedicated domain: http://NightmareBeforeHalloween.com. Go check it and don’t forget to put in your suggestions for next year from the home page.

Filed under Halloween


AVM Hell 4: http://amvhell.com/

Filed under General News

Tag, i’m it.

Psolaris hit me with a tag, so I gotta play along. Six random facts about myself coming right up:

  1. Ohio State was one of the last schools to cross my mind when filling out college applications.
  2. I also applied to Michigan. (Ug, I feel dirty, but in my defense I went to a high school in Michigan so it was really standard operating procedure if you had decent grades).
  3. I used to be addicted to collecting basketball cards (ya know, sports trading cards). This was not during childhood, but the years following college. We have boxes of them in the closet!
  4. My senior project in high school English class consisted of a recording of an original song accompanied by a written analysis of the composition and the writing process. A little unusual, yes, but my hippie teacher didn’t mind.
  5. I can’t handle heights. Donna must get on the roof whenever something must be done up there.
  6. The Go-Go’s will always be one of my favorite bands.

Now then, not enough of my chaps are bloggers, so I’ll tag the couple I can. Come on, six facts, the more irrational, the better.

Filed under General News

100% Awesome

Just cuz I’m bored today…
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

My results:

You are Iron Man
Inventor. Businessman. Genius.

  • Iron Man: 85%
  • Superman: 80%
  • Spider-Man: 70%
  • Robin: 63%
  • Green Lantern: 55%
  • Supergirl: 53%
  • Batman: 45%
  • Catwoman: 45%
  • Hulk: 40%
  • The Flash: 35%
  • Wonder Woman: 33%

And speaking of which, have I lost it or does this look way better than the usual comic book cinema fare?
Or maybe I just dig me some Sabbath.


Filed under General News

They’re the Bomb

We caught They Might Be Giants in concert last night at southgate house. Unless I’m forgetting something this is my second time seeing them; the last being well over ten years ago. They put on a heck of a show, with everything you’d expect from them…a few classics, a few new songs, lots of humor, audience participation, and good a backing band. Since I haven’t listened to a new Giants CD in ages, the highlights for me were the Flood hits “Birdhouse in Your Soul”, “Particle Man”, and the closer, “Istanbul”. They also played “Twisting” and “Whistling in the Dark” so, Flood was really well represented.

Their opener (the real point of this post) was Oppenheimer, a synthy drum and guitar duet (Shaun and Rocky) from Belfast, Ireland. Their sound is a bit like a The Postal Service, but with more pep and cheer. At times I hear a Her Space Holiday tint to them, and other times something more along the lines of We Are the World Trade Center. I enjoy all these bands I’ve just drawn comparison to, so Oppenheimer hits the mark for me, too.

Speaking with Rocky after the show, he told me this was their third time to the area – second time at SGH and once at the Comet. They were thrilled with this show since their first gig at SGH had about 20 people standing around. Anyway, I picked up their CD and it’s under heavy rotation. (Yes, I actually bought a CD. I’ve all but given up that archaic practice, but I’ll still gladly fork over $15 if I can give it straight to the artist – instead of the store, the distributor, the label, etc.). If you like synth-pop that’s low on testosterone, check em out:

Oppenheimer – Saturday Looks Bad to Me

Oppenheimer – Breakfast in NYC

Filed under Music

Bits of Tid

Just some random news ‘n junk:

  • Halloween Pics – stay tuned, someone was lazy last weekend so it’ll be a little longer yet
  • Guitar Hero 3 – got it. playing it. much fun!
  • Speaking of which, South Park will be airing an episode all about GH this week!
  • Just two more wins and the Buckeyes return to the National Championship bowl game. Woot!

Filed under General News